Nick Jones

About Me

I’m the Global Head of Research for Consulting at WithSecure. Since joining the cybersecurity industry following a stint as a software engineer, I’ve has focused on offensive security testing in cloud-native environments and organisations. More recently, I’ve been putting that experience to use helping enterprises validate and enhance their attack detection capabilities, particularly in the cloud space. This led to the development of Leonidas, a cloud-native attack simulation and detection framework. Prior to taking over as Head of Research, I led the cloud security consulting team for five years. I’m also an AWS Community Builder

I hold a Masters of Engineering in Computer Science from the University of Southampton, along with the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) and AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional.

What I do

When I’m not working to secure advanced, cloud-native estates at our clients, I frequently present at conferences and other industry events to share the lessons I’ve learnt in the cloud security space. I’m also big believer in building tools and automation as a way of being more effective at what you do, and have open sourced some of the most pertinent tools.